Problem Statement Canvas

Download the problem statement canvas in editable or printable formats. We hope you’ll find them useful in your journey.

Don’t forget to share our article about problem definition with your friends and colleagues on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.

Persona Templates

Use this templates to properly define and understand your users, customers and other members of your Decision-Making Unit:

Don’t forget to share our article about profiling and personas with your friends and colleagues on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.

High-Level Product Specifications Checklist

Use this checklist to go through all the steps of a building a brochure or landing page that will get you feedback and possibly potential customers without building a product first:

Don’t forget to share our article on how to get customer funding with a good High-Level Product Specification with your friends and colleagues on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.

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Used by over 20,000 founders, investors, businesses, and universities.